About Us

So you want to learn more about us?

First off, we are not a big corporate company. We are a group of everyday tennis players, the kind that you see playing in your local neighborhood tennis courts every afternoon and on weekends.

Back in the summer of 2012, two good friends of mine introduced me to the sport of tennis and since then I got hooked. Looking to find more opportunities to play, I scoured the young internet and the 2012 version of the app store, only to be dismayed at what was available back then. See, I am a professional application designer in the information technology field so I know a thing or two about how apps should look, feel and work.

Using my 20+ years of design experience, I recruited the same 2 friends (who introduced me to tennis) as my co-founders (both of which were veteran IT professionals as well), and together, we embarked on this journey.

We spent years designing and refining our app and although it took quite a few years to come to fruition, the final product is something we are proud of.

YourTennisGame - Available in both iOS and Google Play.Our application is constantly evolving so we look to each of you to give us feedback on how we can make it better. Feel free to drop us a line through our various socials or email us directly at support@yourtennisgame.com.


Antonio "Tony" Basa
Idea Guy | Founder | UX UI Designer | CEO